Remembering Hiroshima
(Presented At World Peace Day 2006)
Recollections of the Sixties
(Presented at the School of Visual Arts Symposium on the Turbulent Sixties)
ispatriotism and Support for the Troops
Supporting the Troops, Opposing the War,
(In Press, The Journal of Social Philosophy, Winter 2007)
I Mourn Lives Devastated by War
Mythologizing of War; From Vietnam to Iraq
(Published in
The Humanist
, March/April 2006)
A Legacy of War
Terrorism and Response:
A Moral Inquiry into the Killing of NonCombatants
presented at
The Joint
Sevices Conference on Professional Ethics)
Why Even Someone Who is Not a Leftist, a Traitor, a Commie, a Hippie, or a Bleeding Heart Liberal Should Oppose the Bush Administration's Foreign Policy Agenda
A Therapeutic Application of Philosophy: The Moral Casualties of War: Understanding the Experience
(published in the
International Journal of Applied Philosophy,
Vol. 13, No. 1, Spring 1999)
The Tragedy of the Brotherhood of the Warrior
On the Duty to Counter Recruitment
Iraq Augmentation
An Open Letter to the members of the 110th Congress
Open Letter to My Fellow Vietnam Veteran