I don’t have Halloween,
with its masks and disguises.
I walk naked through the witches and the hobgoblins
exposing my ripened flesh
to sharpened fangs and ravenous appetites.
And, after the ritualistic feast,
I am renewed again,
like the Promethean heart,
rewarded with the sword of experience,
yet condemned with the inability
to remove it from its scabbard.
I must arise for I feel a chill.
Exhausted, I warmed myself
with dreams of the womb.
But I’ve had those dreams before
only to awake to find myself shivering
upon the cold marble of a sacrificial alter.
Where then is Halloween?
For I must don its masks and disguises,
for no one shall see my mutilated face,
for such ugliness revolts even me.
copyright © Camillo C. Bica